
Schema Definition

This object represents the root Redfish service.


@odata.contextStringread-onlyThe OData description of a payload.
Format: uri
@odata.idStringread-onlyThe unique identifier for a resource.
Format: uri
@odata.typeStringread-onlyThe type of a resource.
Chassis {Reference(ChassisCollection)read-onlyThis is a link to a collection of Chassis.
    @odata.idStringread-onlyThe unique identifier for a resource.
Format: uri
DescriptionStringYesread-onlyProvides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions.
IdStringGETread-onlyUniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources.
JsonSchemas {Reference(JsonSchemaFileCollection)read-onlyThis is a link to a collection of Json-Schema files.
    @odata.idStringread-onlyThe unique identifier for a resource.
Format: uri
Links {ObjectGETread-writeContains references to other resources that are related to this resource.
    Oem { }Objectread-writeOem extension object.
NameStringGETread-onlyThe name of the resource or array element.
Oem {Objectread-writeThis is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections.
    EID_47597 {Objectread-writeRECS|Box ServiceRoot extension
        APIVersionStringread-onlyThe version of the RECS|Box extension.
Pattern: ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$
        Baseboards {Reference(BaseboardCollection)read-onlyThis is a link to a collection of Baseboards.
            @odata.idStringread-onlyThe unique identifier for a resource.
Format: uri
        ComposedNodes {Reference(ComposedNodeCollection)read-onlyThis is a link to a collection of ComposedNodes.
            @odata.idStringread-onlyThe unique identifier for a resource.
Format: uri
        PCIeDevices {Reference(PCIeDeviceCollection)read-onlyThis is a link to a collection of PCIeDevices.
            @odata.idStringread-onlyThe unique identifier for a resource.
Format: uri
        Switches {Reference(SwitchCollection)read-onlyThis is a link to a collection of Ethernet- and PCIeSwitches.
            @odata.idStringread-onlyThe unique identifier for a resource.
Format: uri
RedfishVersionStringread-onlyThe version of the Redfish service.
Pattern: ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$
Systems {Reference(ComputerSystemCollection)read-onlyThis is a link to a collection of Systems.
    @odata.idStringread-onlyThe unique identifier for a resource.
Format: uri
UUIDGuidYesread-onlyUnique identifier for a service instance. When SSDP is used, this value should be an exact match of the UUID value returned in a 200OK from an SSDP M-SEARCH request during discovery.
Pattern: ([0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12})




GET /redfish/v1
Content-Type: application/json


    "@odata.context": "uri",
    "": "/redfish/v1",
    "@odata.type": "String",
    "Chassis": {
        "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis"
    "Description": "String",
    "Id": "String",
    "JsonSchemas": {
        "": "/redfish/v1/JsonSchemas"
    "Links": {
        "Oem": { }
    "Name": "String",
    "Oem": {
        "EID_47597": {
            "APIVersion": "String",
            "Baseboards": {
                "": "/redfish/v1/Baseboards"
            "ComposedNodes": {
                "": "/redfish/v1/ComposedNodes"
            "PCIeDevices": {
                "": "/redfish/v1/PCIeDevices"
            "Switches": {
                "": "/redfish/v1/Switches"
    "RedfishVersion": "String",
    "Systems": {
        "": "/redfish/v1/Systems"
    "UUID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"


This operation is not supported on this resource and will result in the following response:

HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed


This operation is not supported on this resource and will result in the following response:

HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed


This operation is not supported on this resource and will result in the following response:

HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed